Course Description
The loss of valuable leadership can cripple a company. Business succession planning is essentially preparing successors to take on vital leadership roles when the need arises. It is essential to the long-term survival of a company. Every company should have a form of succession planning in its portfolio as it is not the expected absences that can cripple a company, but the unexpected ones.
Whether it is preparing someone to take over a position of leadership in a corporation, or the sole proprietor of a small business Business Succession Planning will teach you the difference between succession planning and mere replacement planning. How you prepare people to take on the responsibilities of leadership so that the company thrives in the transition is just as important as picking the right person for the job.
Course Objectives:
Define business succession planning and its role in your company.
Lay the groundwork to develop a succession plan.
The importance of mentorship.
Define and use a SWOT analysis to set goals.
Create a plan, assign roles, and execute the plan.
Communicate to develop support and manage change.
Anticipate obstacles, and evaluate and adapt goals and plans.
Characterize success.
Course Description
Crating a Lunch and Learn session is a low cost training option. It is a great way to introduce a topic or give a small demonstration on a new product or service. Your participants will be shown the criteria involved in creating a great Lunch and Learn environment. They are usually voluntary, thus attendance can sometimes be an issue. With this workshop you will be given the knowledge work through this issue and others.
Our Lunch and Learn workshop will give your organization a quick and useful tool to add to its training department. Your participants will be able to use it as a follow-up or refresher to a previous training session. It doesn’t have to be just about a learning event, it can also involve collaboration, networking, or sharing best practices between employees.
Course Objectives:
Understand what a lunch and learn is and is not
Be able to set up and break down
Create new content
Address difficult situations and people
Create useful takeaways
Use feedback to improve future lunch and learns
Course Description
Employee Onboarding is an important and vital part of any companies hiring procedure. Hiring, training, and bringing new employees on board cost a lot of money and are major investments. Onboarding is a secure investment that will assist newly hired employees in developing and keeping their skills, knowledge, and value within the company. It will stop highly skilled workers from being lured to a competitor, which makes your company stronger within the market.
Through Employee Onboarding you will find it lowers costs related to employee turnover. It will increase productivity and produce a happier and more skilled workforce. The new hire phase is a critical time for the employee and company and having a structured set of procedures will make this time run smoother and produce a greater chance of success.
Course Objectives:
Define onboarding.
Understanding the benefits and purpose of onboarding.
Recognize how to prepare for an onboarding program.
Identify ways to engage and follow up with employees.
Create expectations.
Discover the importance of resiliency and flexibility.
Course Description
Many companies simply wait for talent to come to them. Simply advertising an open position and hoping that you find the right talent does not guarantee that you will find the best people for the jobs in your organization. Actively seeking out qualified candidates is the best way to ensure that you find the talent that you need. Recruitment is essential to the success of your business.
Hiring a new employee is one of the largest investments you can make in business. That is why hiring the correct employee is so important. Hiring the right employee is more important than ever, as training can be very expensive. Employee turnover costs companies a lot of money each year. This course will provide the Employee Recruitment that your hiring department need to help them interview and recruit the right employee for you.
Course Objectives:
Defining recruitment.
Understanding the selection process.
Recognizing the GROW model and how to set goals.
Preparing for the interview and question process.
Identifying and avoiding bias when making offers.
Discovering ways to retain talent and measure growth.
Course Description
While having various cultures in one workplace can present communication problems and conflicts, the benefits of such a variety in the workplace outweigh it. The workplace can present challenges to management in terms of handling the different generations present. As older workers delay retiring and younger workers are entering the workforce, the work environment has become a patchwork of varying perspectives and experiences, all valuable to say the least.
The Generation Gaps workshop will help participants understand the various generations present at work, and understand what motivates them and dealing with them on a daily basis. Both the young and older worker will have many ideas to offer, which will help the organization thrive in the marketplace. Learning how to deal with the Generation Gaps at work will help you become a better manager or co-worker.
Course Objectives:
History behind generation gaps
What are traditionalists
What are baby boomers
What are Generation Xers
What are Generation Yers
Differences between each type of generation
Finding common ground among the generations
Conflict management
Leveraging the benefits of generation gaps at work
Course Description
A healthy employee is a happy and productive employee, and that is a goal for every organization. Through our Health and Wellness at Work program your participants will experience the benefits of a healthier lifestyle and workplace.
Our Health and Wellness at Work course will be instrumental in creating a “Culture of Wellness” within your organization. Your participants will touch on common issues such as smoking cessation, nutrition & weight loss, and preventative care. Health and Wellness is the responsibility of everyone in an organization so take the positive step and create a program at your organization.
Course Objectives:
Access Health and Wellness Program Needs
Plan a Health and Wellness Program
Implement a Health and Wellness Program
Maintain a Health and Wellness Program
Course Description
Successful companies are made up of great employees, so why not hire great employees? Hiring and training employees is an expensive venture. Be sure to hire the right person for the right position. Hiring the right person is more about skills and abilities; it is about finding the right combination of skills, attitude, and fit for your organization's culture.
Hiring Strategies will save your company time and money as you will be recruiting and hiring the right candidates. Your hiring department will benefit from this workshop as it prepares them to seek out that great candidate and make sure they are a fit for your company. Your participants will obtain the necessary tools required in finding that diamond in the rough.
Course Objectives:
Know how to present the current open position
Develop a workable hiring strategy
Know how to determine which candidates to interview
Steps and techniques to use in an interview
Welcome newly hired employees
Find potential candidates for the position
Course Description
In recent years, tasks that were originally thought to fall under the responsibility of the human resources department have become a part of many managers' job descriptions. The sharing and diffusion of these tasks throughout the organization has had an impact particularly on those that are not equipped with the skills or knowledge to deal with these issues.
The Human Resource Management workshop will give managers the basic tools to handle numerous human resource situations such as interviewing, orientation, safety, harassment, discrimination, violence, discipline, and termination. This workshop will provide your participants those skills and assist them with certain Human Resource situations.
Course Objectives:
Describe the implications of different aspects of Human Resource Management on your daily responsibilities
Define human resources terms and subject matter
Recruit, interview, and retain employees more effectively
Follow up with new employees in a structured manner
Be an advocate for your employees’ health and safety
Provide accurate, actionable feedback to employees
Act appropriately in situations requiring discipline and termination
Evaluate some of the strengths and opportunities for Human Resources in your own workplace
Identify three areas for further development within the Human Resources field as part of a personal action plan
Course Description
Although we all know that training can have many amazing benefits, sometimes it can be hard to prove those benefits and attach a dollar value to training. Some topics, like sales training or time management, might have direct, tangible benefits. Other topics, like communication or leadership, might have benefits that you can’t put a dollar value on.
Our Measuring Results From Training course, your participants will learn about the different ways to evaluate training progress, and how to use those results to demonstrate the results that training brings. Once the training has been evaluated the next step is to modify and updated the curriculum to create a content that is better suited for the participants.
Course Objectives:
Understand Kolb’s learning styles and learning cycle
Understand Kirkpatrick’s levels of evaluation
Be familiar with many types of evaluation tools, including goal setting, tests, reactionary sheets, interviews, observations, hip-pocket assessments, skill assessments, and learning journals
Understand when to use each type of evaluation tool
Be able to perform a needs assessment
Know how to write learning objectives and link them to evaluation
Be able to write an evaluation plan to evaluate learning at each stage of the training and far beyond
Know how to identify the costs, benefits, and return on investment of training
Be familiar with the parts of a business case
Course Description
Onboarding new employees is a secure investment that will assist newly hired employees in developing their skills, knowledge, and value within the company. It will help match the technically skilled Millennial workforce with new and emerging needs of your company, which gives your company an advantage within the market.
Millennial Onboarding is a specialized type of employee onboarding. With Millennials we are seeing a need to tweak the onboarding process to better suit the needs of the company and new hires. It will increase productivity and produce a happier and more skilled workforce. The new hire phase is a critical time for the employee and company and having a structured set of procedures will make this time run smoother and produce a greater chance of success.
Course Objectives:
Define onboarding
Discuss the characteristics of Millennials
Create an onboarding process for Millennials
Develop action plans for working with Millennials
Learn from introspection
Course Description
Talent Management is an investment. Every company wants to have the best and brightest employees, and with Talent Management that can be achieved. The item that usually accounts for the highest cost for a company is its work force. With a company's workforce being the highest cost to it, does it not make sense to invest in it? With Talent Management you are developing a more skilled workforce and attracting a higher caliber of new employee.
We all know that training and retraining costs money and Talent Management can reduce these costs. Recruiting the correct people, and keeping a talented workforce is a priority in today's business environment. Having a talented group of employees has always been a key to success; it will translate into cost savings and higher productivity. Talent Management is the investment that will pay dividends over the course of its use.
Course Objectives:
Define talent and talent management.
Understand the benefits of talent management.
Recognize performance management and ways to review talent.
Identify employee engagement.
Create assessments and training programs.
Learn how to improve employee retention.
Course Description
Whether you are preparing to be a professional trainer, or you are someone who does a bit of training as a part of their job, you'll want to be prepared for the training that you do. Your participants will begin the process of becoming trainers themselves, and understand that training is a process where skills, knowledge, and attitudes are applied.
The Train-The-Trainer workshop will give all types of trainer's tools to help them create and deliver engaging, compelling workshops that will encourage trainees to come back for more. Skills such as facilitating, needs analyses, understanding participant’s needs, and managing tough topics will give your trainees what the need to become a trainer themselves.
Course Objectives:
Define training, facilitating, and presenting
Understand how to identify participants’ training needs
Create a lesson plan that incorporates the range of learning preferences
Create an active, engaging learning environment
Develop visual aids and supporting materials
Manage difficult participants and tough topics
Course Description
With the world becoming more mobile and diverse, diversity has taken on a new importance in the workplace. Your participants will be able to use strategies for removing barriers and stereotypes, and to encourage diversity in the workplace and even through their community.
The Workshop Diversity workshop will help participants understand what diversity is all about, and how they can help create a more diverse world at work and at home. They will be instructed to use skills such as active listening to receive messages in a diverse population, employ effective questioning techniques, and communicate with strength.
Course Objectives:
Explain the definition, terms and history of diversity
Describe the meaning of stereotypes and biases, how they develop, and the reasons for your own perspectives
List strategies for removing barriers to encouraging diversity for yourself, in the workplace, and in the social community
Use active listening skills to receive messages in a diverse population, employ effective questioning techniques, and communicate with strength
Identify ways to encourage diversity in the workplace, and prevent and discourage discrimination
Understand and respond to personal complaints, and develop a support system to manage the resolution process
List the steps a manager should take to record a complaint, analyze the situation, and take appropriate resolution action
Course Description
Harassment can be based on a variety of factors that differ from the one doing the harassment, such as race, sex, and disability. Experiencing uncomfortable situations in the workplace may be more than an offense against an individual. It can be a crime committed against the law, which is why this topic has become a very important for every organization.
The Workplace Harassment workshop will help give participants the tools necessary to recognize harassment in the workplace as well understand your rights and responsibilities under the law, with regard to safety in the workplace. Through this workshop your participants will recognize that it is necessary for everyone to help create programs that teach employees to identify harassment and exercise anti-harassment policies.
Course Objectives:
Identify the words and actions that constitute harassment.
Understand what the law says about harassment.
Implement anti-harassment policies.
Educate employees and develop anti-harassment policies.
Discuss employer and employee’s rights and responsibilities.
Address accusations of harassment.
Apply proper mediation procedures.
Deal with the aftermath of harassment.
Course Description
Workplace harassment is illegal and destructive to any organization. It is important to treat everyone in the workplace with respect and dignity. Workplace harassment must be identified, discouraged, and prevented in order to keep a hostile work environment from developing. Left unchecked, harassment can escalate into violence. Workplace harassment training is essential to the welfare of all businesses and their employees.
In order to prevent Workplace Violence, it is essential that managers and employees are able to identify individuals who could become violent and understand how to diffuse dangerous situations. This workshop will help participants to identify and address violence in the workplace, as well as giving them the tools to develop their own Workplace Harassment Policy.
Course Objectives:
Define workplace harassment.
Understand bullies and how to avoid hiring them.
Create a risk assessment and understand how to handle violence.
Recognize social and business responsibility.
Develop relevant policies and procedures.
Learn how to investigate complaints.